Announcing TweetHub

If you're admin of a GitHub project and would like to have your commits pushed to Twitter, you were limited to feeding them via TwitterFeed, which means a delay of several minutes.

Since I'm a big fan of push technologies (as opposed to pulling like in RSS), I had to try out the web hooks provided by GitHub. They work pretty nice, and I've created a small tool that can be installed on your web server to listen for incoming commit messages and notify a Twitter account about it. You can handle multiple projects and Twitter accounts with a single installation. Setup shouldn't take more than 5 minutes.

The project is called TweetHub, written in PHP and hosted on GitHub. Patches and enhancements are welcome. You can see TweetHub in action at the Tw33tHub Twitter account.

Erstellt: 15. 10. 2008, 03:05:52 (CEST)
Tags: English software TweetHub announcement PHP GitHub Twitter tool gateway middleware