<:Lyrics: Spin Doctors - Two Princes>

Nachdem ich schon länger vorhatte, immer mal wieder auf gute Songs, und vor allem welche mit guten Texten (engl. Lyrics) hinzuweisen, fang ich heute einfach mal an. Und zwar mit "Two Princes" von den Spin Doctors.

Der Song wird von einem von zwei "Bewerbern" um ein Girl-Wesen (siehe Desaster Area) vorgetragen, natürlich um sie von sich zu überzeugen. Der andere, so singt er, mag ihr zwar Diamanten schenken, aber nur er selbst wisse, wie man ein Mädchen wirklich lieben könne.

Vom Text her definitiv nichts sonderlich Berauschendes, aber beim Hören bringt der Song dermaßen Power und Motivation und gute Laune rüber, dass ich ihn heut morgen im Auto einfach mal deftig aufdrehen musste. :D

Und damit ihr euch die Lyrics nicht unter schwerem Beschuss von diversen Popups auf gator.com et. al. selbst zusammenkratzen müsst, hab ich sie hier für euch schonmal rausgesucht. Ich hab sogar ca. 10 verschiedene Versionen verglichen und mich für die beste entschieden.

Spin Doctors - Two Princes
One, two, princes kneel (knien) before you
That's what I said, now
Princes, Princes who adore (anbeten) you
Just go ahead, now
One has diamonds in his pockets
That's some bread, now
This one, he wants to buy you rockets
Ain't in his head, now

This one, he got a princely racket (Tennisschläger?)
That's what I said, now
Got some big seal upon his jacket
Ain't in his head, now
You Marry him, your father will condone (verzeihen) you
How bout that, now
You Marry me, your father will disown (verleugnen) you
He'll eat his hat, (einen Besen fressen) now

Marry him or marry me,
I'm the one that loves you baby can't you see?
I Ain't got no future or a family tree, (Stammbaum)
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be,
I know what a prince and lover ought to be....

Said, if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead, now
And If you wanna buy me flowers
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead, now


One, two, princes kneel before you
That's what I said, now
Princes, Princes who adore you
Just go ahead, now
One has diamonds in his pockets
That's some bread, now
This one, he wants to buy you rockets
Ain't in his head, now

Marry him or marry me,
I'm the one that loves you baby can't you see?
I Ain't got no future or a family tree,
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be
I know what a prince and lover ought to be....

Said, if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead, now
And If you wanna buy me flowers
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead, now

And if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead, now
And If you like buy me flowers
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead, now

And If you want to call me baby
Just go ahead, now
If you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead, now
If you wanna buy me flowers
just, go ahead, now
and if you like to talk for hours
just go ahead, now

whoa whoa baby
just go ahead now
whoa, just, just go ahead now
whoa..can't you see??
just go ahead now
if u want to buy me flowers....
just go ahead now

(Dieser Text unterliegt logischerweise dem Copyright, wahrscheinlich dem des Texters. Dumm nur dass ich den auf die Schnelle nicht ausfindig machen konnte. Bei eventuellen Forderungen einfach an mich wenden, schließlich will ich hier niemandem seine Rechte streitig machen, ne?)