<:musicpd.org hacked>

Today I used my Windows XP box and its Internet Explorer 6 SP 2 to surf to <>. But while loading the page my hard drive worked quite a lot and IE showed me a script error. That made me suspicious, and I had a look into the source code.

There, even before the , the following code appeared:

<Script Language='Javascript'>

The un string adds an that leads to a web page which seems to only show its dangerous contents to Internet Explorer users. While I am writing this, it seems the attackers have noticed my analysis and replaced the code with an empty page. However, I've got <>... ;) I've not yet finished the reverse engineering of that code, but it seems they try to use, among others, a security vulnerability from 2005 to execute an arbitrary file on the client host. Luckily I managed to get a <> as well. Will be fun to analyze in a virtual machine.

For me it seems as if there was no high risk to the visitors of the mpd website, at least if they're using a recently patched Windows. But I haven't looked at all of the exploits yet, I'll keep you updated. Oh, the password for the GPG encrypted files I linked above is "baz00ka".