
The application you are running on your <> system was working fine a week ago, but right now it's crashing all the time. You wonder whether this has something to do with the emerge -DNuva world you did three days ago. But did that upgrade really modify any libraries your application depends on? And if so, which ones? Wouldn't it be nice if there was a tool you could tell hey, <> worked fine a week ago, any idea what might have broken it? Well, there is one.

My little <> script does all that cumbersome stuff for you:

chani ~ # ./whatbroke.sh /usr/bin/newsbeuter 'May 29 0:00'
Getting libraries in /usr/bin/newsbeuter... ok
Getting packages for each library... ok
Finding all merges of those packages (dev-db/sqlite|dev-libs/openssl|net-libs/libmrss|net-libs/libnxml|net-misc/curl|sys-devel/gcc|sys-libs/glibc|sys-libs/ncurses|sys-libs/zlib)... ok
Possible culprits (merged after Tue May 29 00:00:00 CEST 2007):
  sys-libs/glibc-2.5-r3 (merged Thu May 31 08:03:59 CEST 2007 (1180591439))