$r) { $pos++; if ($pos == 1) $o = ''; elseif ($pos == count($p)) $o .= ' and '; else $o .= ', '; $o .= "$id (".rules_list($r).")"; } return ($o); } function rules_list($r) { foreach ($r as $num=>$rule) { if ($num != 0) $o .= ', '; $o .= "#$rule"; } return ($o); } echo("

Please add all the images you want to remove to the following input box, one per line. Start with the URL (cleanup will be done by this tool), then add a space and one or more rules it's breaking, seperated by spaces.



http://www.flickr.com/photos/scytale/105023265/ 2
http://flickr.com/photos/weirdrubikscube/206654827/in/pool-n-oe 1 3

\n"); echo("

The rules (reminder): 0: exceptions; 1: otherworldly; 2: EXIF; 3: multigroup; 4: adminblock; 5: banned

\n"); echo("

\n"); if ($_POST['data']) { $d = explode("\n", trim($_POST['data'])); foreach ($d as $l) { $ok = preg_match('#http://(www\.)?flickr\.com/photos/([^<>/]+)/([^<>/]+)[^ ]* ([0-9 ]+)#', trim($l), $m); if (!$ok) { echo("

Warning: Didn't understand that line: ".htmlentities($l)."

\n"); } else { $p[$m[2]][$m[3]] = explode(' ', trim($m[4])); $count++; } } if ($count > 0) { echo("
\n"); echo("

Your log entry:
Removing the following ".(($count>1)?("$count photos"):('photo')).": "); $i = 0; foreach ($p as $user=>$list) { $i++; echo(htmlspecialchars(photos_list($user, $list)." from $user")); if ($i < count($p)) echo('; '); } echo(".

\n"); foreach ($p as $user=>$list) { echo("

Your message to $user:
".((count($list)>1)?(count($list).' photos'):('Photo'))." removed from Night Over-Exposure group pool
"); echo(str_replace("\n", '
', htmlspecialchars("Hi. I've removed ".((count($list)>1)?('some'):('one'))." of your photos from the Night Over-Exposure photo pool. This is not meant to be an offense, but rather an effort to keep the group limited to a specific kind of photos. Following is a list of the photos removed and, in brackets, the group's rule(s) (read them at the group page[1]) it violates (in my opinion):\n".preg_replace('#[^<]+#', "\n$1", photos_list($user, $list))."\n\nPlease note that this does not mean that your photos are ugly or not well done, I'm just saying that ".((count($list)>1)?('these particular ones don\'t'):('this one doesn\'t'))." fit into this specific group. Have a look at the other photos at the group pool[2] or the best of[3] to see what Night Over-Exposure is all about. If you have any questions about this removal or think I'm wrong, please contact me or any other administrator[4].\n\nThanks for your understanding.\n\n[1] http://www.flickr.com/groups/n-oe/\n[2] http://www.flickr.com/groups/n-oe/pool/\n[3] http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/n-oe-bestof/\n[4] http://www.flickr.com/groups_members.gne?id=35432914@N00"))."

\n"); } } } ?>